
2019 - 2023: Doctorate in economic sciences (Dr. oec.), University of Hohenheim, Doctoral defense on June 9, 2023 (grade: summa cum laude)

2016 - 2018: M.Sc. in International Business & Economics, University of Hohenheim (1.3, top 3%)

2017 - 2018: Laurea Magistrale in Economia e gestione delle aziende, University of Venice (110/110 with honors)

2011 - 2015: B.A. in Economy & Culture of China, University of Hamburg (1.75)


10/2023 - present: Assistant Professor in Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Dept. of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Twente

11/2023 - present: Chief Scientific Officer, ISTARI.AI

07/2023 - 09/2023: Postdoctoral Researcher, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Dept. Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zürich

06/2022 - 06/2023: Researcher, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Dept. Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zürich

09/2021 - 06/2022: Visiting PhD Student, Center for Collective Learning, Artificial and Natural Intelligence Institute (ANITI),
University of Toulouse

02/2019 -05/ 2022: Research Associate, Dept. of Innovation Management, University of Hohenheim

2018: Intern Pricing Analyst, Dr. Ing. H.C. F. Porsche AG

2016: Visiting Consultant, T&B ChinaConsulting


10/2023 - present: Research fellow, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich

08/2023 - present: Associated researcher, ETH AI Center, ETH Zürich

2021 - 2023: Research partner,


Published (peer-reviewed)

Dahlke, J., Beck, M., Kinne, J., Lenz, D., Dehghan, R., Wörter, M., Ebersberger, B. (2024). Epidemic effects in the diffusion of emerging digital technologies: evidence from artificial intelligence adoption. Research Policy, 53(2), 104917.

Dahlke, J. (2023) Across the Board: AI in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and Salience of Holistic Identities. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023 (1).

Bogner, K. & Dahlke, J. (2022). Born to transform? German bioeconomy policy and research projects for transformations towards sustainability. Ecological Economics, 195, 107366.

Dahlke, J., Bogner, K., Becker, M., Schlaile, M.P., Pyka, A., & Ebersberger, B. (2021). Crisis-Driven Innovation and Fundamental Human Needs: A Typological Framework of Rapid-Response COVID-19 Innovations. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 169: 120799.

Under Review

Dahlke, J., Ebersberger, B. Divergent Transition Pathways for Artificial Intelligence: A Longitudinal and Multi-Level Perspective Using Structural Topic Modeling.

Lehmann, S., Pianta, V., Dahlke, J. Roles of Artificial Intelligence within Internal Ideation Systems.

In prep

Dahlke, J., Beck, M., Wörter, M. Digital technology, firm performance, and environmental complexity.

Dahlke, J. Exploring Applied Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Decision-Making in Highly Competitive Environments.

Discussion Papers

Dahlke, J., Bogner, K., Mueller, M., Berger, T., Pyka, A., & Ebersberger, B. (2020). Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? Machine Learning (ML) In and For Agent-Based Modelling (ABM). ArXiv E-Prints, 2003.11985.

Journal Articles Not Peer-Reviewed, Editorials, & Reports

Mathias Beck, Johannes Dahlke, Martin Wörter (2023). Digitalization in SME: Its potential is often lost. Die Volkswirtschaft, April 18. In German:

Teaching Materials

Bauder, L., Tabet-Aoul, F., Ebersberger, B., Weber, B., Mengis, H., & Dahlke, J. (2021). Doing business in China: A great leap forward? The Case Center.

Becker, M., Ebersberger, B., Morath, B., Dahlke, J., & Mengis, H. (2021). The case of iAuto Automotive GmbH. The Case Center.

Conferences (peer-reviewed)

2023 (Aug): Presentation “Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and the Salience of Holistic Identities“, Academy of Management Conference, AOM 2023, Boston (US).

2023 (Jun): Presentation “Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and the Salience of Holistic Identities“, European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2023, Dublin (IE).

2023 (May): Presentation “Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and the Salience of Holistic Identities“, LUISS Workshop on AI and emerging technologies: Beyond the hype, Rome (IT).

2022 (Jul): Presentation “Inter-firm diffusion of artificial intelligence: Epidemic effects in AI-related knowledge transmissions“, R&D Management Conference 2022, Trento (IT).

2022 (Jun): Presentation “Inter-firm diffusion of artificial intelligence: Epidemic effects in AI-related knowledge transmissions“, DRUID22 Conference, Copenhagen (DK).

2022 (May): Presentation “Inter-firm diffusion of artificial intelligence: Epidemic effects in AI-related knowledge transmissions“, International PhD course on Economic Geography, Utrecht (NL).

2021 (Sep): Presentation “Exploring Applied Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Decision-Making in Highly Competitive Environments“, Strategic Management Society 41st Annual Conference, Virtual.

2021 (Jul): Presentation “Predicting Firm-Level Adoption of Artificial Intelligence: A Quantitative Analysis Combining Survey and Web Data“, 18th Conference of the International Joseph Schumpeter Society (ISS), Virtual.

2021 (May): Presentation “Exceeding Humanity? The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Business Research”, German Junior Researcher Conference 2020/21, Virtual.

2021 (Mar): Paper Development Workshop “Exploring Applied Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Decision-Making in Highly Competitive Environments”, Academy of Management Discoveries, Virtual.

2020 (Dec): Presentation “Topic Modelling the Discourse on Artificial Intelligence in Management Research”, European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2020, Virtual.

2020 (Dec): Presentation “Is the Juice Wort the Squeeze? Machine Learning (ML) For and In Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)”, European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2020, Virtual.

2020 (Oct): Presentation “Topic Modeling the Discourse on Artificial Intelligence in Business Research”, G-Forum Yearly Conference 2020, Virtual.

2019 (Sep): Poster Presentation “Is the Juice Wort the Squeeze? Machine Learning (ML) For and In Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)”, Social Simulation Conference 2019, Mainz (GER)

2019 (Jul): Presentation “Mapping the Evolution of AI as a Research Topic in Management Literature: Bridges for the Socio-Technical Rift”, R&D Management Conference 2019, Paris (FRA)

2019 (June): Presentation “Mapping the Evolution of AI as a Research Topic in Management Literature: Bridges for the Socio-Technical Rift”, European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) 2019, Brighton (UK)


2021-22: Travel Grant by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, €2,425

10.2020: Special funding of economic and social science research related to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Dr. Hans-Riegel-Foundation, €1,300


08.2020-05.2022: Full Doctoral (PhD) Scholarship by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, €31,900

04.2020: State Graduate Scholarship by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg (Landesgraduiertenförderung), €4,000

Awards & Honors


Winner Best Dissertation Award: Flooding the Landscape of Knowledge: Perspectives on Transitions to Artificial Intelligence in Industry. Südwestmetall 2024, Stuttgart.

Winner Best Paper Award: Epidemic effects and relational embeddedness in the inter-firm diffusion of artificial intelligence. R&D Management Conference 2022, Trento.

Winner DeSanctis Award (best solo-authored dissertation paper): Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and Salience of Holistic Identities. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, CTO Division, 2023, Boston.

Nominee William H. Newman Award: Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and Salience of Holistic Identities. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2023, Boston.

Best Paper Proceedings: Across the Board: Artificial Intelligence in Chess Increases Occupational Complexity and Salience of Holistic Identities. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2023, Boston.


Teaching Award: Best Master-Level Seminar, Ranked 1st Place by Student Evaluations, Winter Term 19/20, University of Hohenheim

Teaching Activities

Summer 2022

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”International Business & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.5, University of Hohenheim

Winter 21/22

Seminar (Bachelor), ”Quantitative Innovation Management Research” (English), University of Hohenheim

Summer 2021

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”International Business & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.5, University of Hohenheim

Winter 20/21

Seminar (Bachelor), ”Quantitative Innovation Management Research” (English), Evaluation: 1.7, University of Hohenheim

Summer 2020

Lecture (Bachelor), ”International Business & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.5, University of Hohenheim

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”International Business & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.4, University of Hohenheim

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”Corporate Governance” (German), University of Hohenheim

Winter 19/20

Seminar (Master), ”Current Issues in Innovation Management” (English), Evaluation: 1.2, University of Hohenheim

Seminar (Master), ”International Management & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.8, University of Hohenheim

Seminar (Bachelor), ”Quantitative Innovation Management Research” (English), Evaluation: 1.7, University of Hohenheim

Workshop, ”Forschung Schnuppern: Mit Innovationen gesellschaftlichen Wandel gestalten” (German), University of Hohenheim

Summer 2019

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”International Business & Innovation” (English), Evaluation: 1.5, University of Hohenheim

Tutorial (Bachelor), ”Corporate Governance” (German), University of Hohenheim

Thesis Supervision

Bachelor Theses: Scheffbuch (2022), Singh (2020), Hitzges (2020), Deeß (2020), Cig (2019/20), Faik (2019/20), Nierlich (2019), Staneker (2019), Mustapic (2019)

Master Theses: Baur (2022), Fanelli (2022), Tsai (2022), Raatz (2021/22), Wachter (2021/22), Bauder (2020/21), Brönner (2020), Bui (2020), Jaber (2020), Chen (2020), Negru (2019/20), Xue (2019/20), Schorn (2019/20), Özbek (2019/20), Munarin (2019), Salvan (2019)

Reviewer Activities


Research Policy (2023)

Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2022)

Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2021, 2022, 2023)

Management Review Quarterly (2020, 2021)

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management (2022)

International Journal of Information Management Data Insights (2023)

Invited Talks

2022 (Dec.) - “Investigating Identity Work of Chess Grandmasters Using Grounded Theory“ - Guest Lecture: Qualitative Innovation Management Research, University of Hohenheim (English)

2021 (Jun.) - “Discrimination and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence” - Guest Lecture: Philosophy of science and business ethics, Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences (German)

2020 (Sep.) - Summer School: FUTURE LABS - Redesigning Life ”AI in Innovation Processes: What we can learn from Adoption Processes in Gaming Communities” (English)

2020 (Jun.) - Guest Lecture (Master) ”Recent Developments in Advanced Innovation Economics: AI and Responsible Research and Innovation” (English)

Professional Training

2021 - “Planning and supporting research-based learning”. University Didactics Center Baden-Württemberg, University of Heidelberg. 16AE.